Cereals LIVE is almost here, with brand new exhibitor content, high profile speakers, a broad seminar programme and the opportunity to socialise and earn CPD points.
Whether farmers are looking to see the latest crop varieties, learn about the newest innovations to crop protection and nutrition, or see the latest technological revolutions, Cereals LIVE has something for everyone, says event director Alli McEntyre. “This is the first time the event has been hosted online, but we are delivering as much of the physical event as possible on this new platform, so there will be plenty of content for farmers and growers to explore.”
The complete two-day seminar programme will be available online, with live Q&A for visitors – hear about the impact of coronavirus and Brexit from Defra secretary Victoria Prentis and NFU president Minette Batters in the AHDB Theatre. Or head to the Young Farmers’ and Sustainability Theatre to discuss succession planning or routes into farming.
For those wanting to get set up in agriculture or contemplating a career change, take a look at the jobs board and hear a variety of speakers exploring the numerous opportunities within the industry – from journalism to scientific research.
There will also be an all-important opportunity to collect up to six BASIS and six NRoSO points by attending the webinars. Topics in the new Graintab Grain Exchange include new market opportunities, risk management and the arable market outlook, while the DIT Innovation and Tech Theatre will feature farmer-led innovation, plant breeding and precision agriculture.
“We have secured high profile speakers with tremendous knowledge and experience, so there will be plenty of opportunity for visitors to explore new avenues for business development,” says Ms McEntyre.
Visitors will be able to chat with all their favourite exhibitors through an interactive map, and there will be video content to bring machinery demonstrations to life.
The Syngenta Sprays and Sprayers Arena will provide detailed content on all the newest advances in application technology, while the Innovation and Tech Demo Ring will showcase the developments in robotics, drones, soil scanning and weeding technology. There will also be the main demo area featuring state of the art combines, tractors, and other machinery.
Those looking to see the latest crop varieties will be able to explore a number of exhibitor crop plots through online video content, including NIAB and Bayer’s original plots at the Cambridgeshire event site.
In addition to video footage of leading and candidate wheat and barley varieties, NIAB’s Virtual Event Hub will also feature a mix of webinars and podcasts. NIAB will also be running its Soil Pit online and giving crop protection and nutrition advice, while also discussing the latest research in soil and crop management, weeds and disease.
Visitors can find further content, research and innovations from Rothamsted Research, Badger Crop Nutrition, Prostraw Systems and Parkland UK, Prodata Weather Systems, Martin Lishman, Soyl, Sencrop, DSV, Strutt & Parker and Enduramaxx.
For those missing the social factor fear not, as there will be an interactive beer tent, where visitors can chat and share photos, while listening to live music, with the option to request a song to raise money for the Cereals charity partner, RABI. Other partners include CPM and the Farming Forum, while Field Margin is headline sponsor, Paragon Bank is finance sponsor, Premium Crops is registration sponsor and KWS is crop plot sponsor.
“While the Covid-19 outbreak has caused considerable upheaval this year, farmers are doing what they always do, and are getting on with the job at hand,” says Ms McEntyre. “We have endeavoured to do the same, supporting our exhibitors and visitors alike by bringing new tools, advice and innovations direct to the farm, helping growers to drive the future of UK agriculture.”
For the first time ever, the Cereals Event is going online to support the industry amid the Covid-19 pandemic, with existing exhibitors and sponsors involved for free as their fees roll over to 2021. Cereals LIVE 2020 will be held online on 10-11 June 2020. For more information and to register visit www.cerealsevent.co.uk.